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Our duty is to provide the best response to our client's needs. The satisfaction of our customer is our business card
We are devoted to the projects entrusted to us. We are motivated to see a project through to the end, regardless of its complexity. Our engagement is also expressed in the perfect understanding of your requirements and expectations.
We reply to all our customers' requests as soon as possible. We can mobilize the necessary resources to deal with an unpredictable situation.
KIAMO create a captivated and performs solutions from the initial concept sketches to detailed 3D models.
KIAMO engineers leverage the right tools to evaluate designs for structural integrity, thermal performance, and more, in order to insure robust and reliable solutions
KIAMO designs and writes user and maintenance manuals containing the necessary information for the use, installation and maintenance of the systems.
KIAMO specialises in technical animations for the technical industry. With our 3D animation, we support sales and marketing departments of small and medium-sized businesses as well as multinational enterprises.
KIAMO ensures the follow-up of all machining operations: turning, milling, adjustment, mechanical welding etc..
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